Monday, March 14, 2016

Super food fad - Bone broth anyone?

Yes, I am that girl posting about bone broth and No, I am not ashamed of this. I have heard about bone broth years ago but somehow just started to jump on the bandwagon.. It has recently dubbed as of the top super foods trend! But what is funny about it is this trend has been around for hundred of years...People just may not have been aware of how good bone broth actually was although it has been around for centuries..
Even then, in my younger years, i could recall my granny boiling herbal chicken soup and has been forcing it down my throat.. it has been highly proclaimed as a nourishing tonic soup to maintain good health..
So here it goes.. Broth is essentially stock that has simmered for quite a bit longer (at least for 24 hours), which means that all of the vitamins and nutrients are released from the bones and all of these go right into your tummy! 
I actually started making bone broth from scratch a little over a week ago in my slow cooker. The slow cooker has been tucked away in my cabinet for at least a year now and finally i decided that make it to good use... I've now started to make mass quantities of bone broth where I leave some out to sip on daily and freeze the rest to use as stock in soups and other recipes. The best part about it is that the only real ingredient you need are animal bones. So whenever I’m cooking chicken I always keep the bones and FREEZE THEM. Then when I’m ready to make broth, I throw them in the slow cooker with water and 24 hours later I have pure, healthy deliciousness.. Since i am not a beef eater, i may actually experiment making broth out of beef bones.. not too sure how it will taste though..
I like to improvise when i cook sometimes and decided to throw in some veggies for flavor, but that so isn’t necessary if you don’t have them on hand or if you plan to just use it in other recipes. 
If i have not managed to catch your attention on why you need bone broth in your life, please allow me to show some of its magical qualities. Most of its benefits come from the bone’s protein (mainly collagen which becomes gelatin when cooked) which promotes:
-strong bones i.e. helps prevent osteoporosis and arthritis
-muscle repair and growth
-strong hair and nails
-clear, healthy skin 
-improved digestion
-immune health aka your grandmother’s soup wasn’t just a hoax
Aside from its potential to transform the health of your bones and gut, and anti-age you, it is inexpensive, easy and tasty.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Food pairings - maximises bioavailability

1. Bananas and Greek yogurt

Bananas contain inulin, a plant-based carbohydrate. Research shows that inulin, when added to yogurt, can increase the growth of yogurt’s healthy bacteria, thereby helping to regulate digestion even further and boost immunity.
If you already enjoy yogurt as part of your breakfast or as a snack, make sure to choose an unsweetened Greek variety, which contains more protein, and then add your own fresh bananas.

2. Spinach salad with garbanzo beans and red bell peppers

While heme iron (iron from meat, fish, and poultry) is well-absorbed, non-heme iron (found in grains, legumes, certain vegetables, and nuts) is less well-absorbed. Fortunately, research shows that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) assists in the absorption of non-heme iron — important for those who follow a plant-based diet.
A spinach and garbanzo bean salad (rich in non-heme iron) combined with fresh red bell peppers, a good source of ascorbic acid, makes a delicious and healthful meal, particularly for those who may be at a higher risk of iron deficiency.

3. Vegetables and olive oil

Research suggests that vegetables, particularly colorful ones such as tomatoes, peppers, spinach, broccoli, and kale, should be eaten with healthy monounsaturated oils — such as olive oil — to increase your body's absorption of carotenoids, a type of phytonutrient that has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Adding whole eggs or avocados, which contain healthy monounsaturated fats, to a salad will also help to boost the absorption of carotenoids.

4. Green tea and lemon

A 2007 study from Purdue University found that adding either citrus juices or vitamin C to green tea will boost the absorption of catechins, a powerful naturally occurring antioxidant found in the tea.
Why is this important? Studies have shown that catechins have cancer-preventing effects, and that they can also positively affect cardiovascular health because of their antioxidative, anti-hypertensive, and anti-inflammatory effects.

5. Dark chocolate and apples

This combination isn't just delicious — it can also help improve cardiovascular health. Dark chocolate (70 percent cacao or more is best) is rich with catechins, and apples are a rich source of the flavonoid quercetin. When eaten together, research suggests that the catechins and quercetin work synergistically to inhibit platelet adhesion to collagen.
The bottom line: Some foods were just meant to be eaten together! While these are great examples to keep in mind, the simplest way to put the concept of “food synergy” into practice is to eat a wide variety of whole foods. Doing so ensures that you receive the key nutrients your body needs to thrive.

Freezing tights to make it lasts longer!

Next time when you purchase your tights, you freeze them! 
Yes, it sounds crazy, but hear me out: The next time you buy a new pair (and before you wear them), run them under water until they’re damp. Then place them in a plastic bag and freeze overnight. Take them out and give them a day to defrost and thaw out.
You only need to do this once--after that, you’re good to go. The chilly temps firm and strengthen the individual fibers of your tights, making them less susceptible to runs later on.